• Moderators, please send me a PM if you are unable to access mod permissions. Thanks, Habsy.

Welcome everyone!

My name is Gordon Wallace and I'm a foot enthusiast. I am currently training to become a podiatrist because I love working with and caring for feet. Note: I must stress that I admire feet in a strictly NON SEXUAL way.

With that aside, I've been a Leafs fan for 22 years and I am literally fired up for this team and feet. I've been lurking for a long time so I am already familiar with many of you, but none of you know me! :smilielol5:

Anyway, hit me up if you ever want to talk about the Leaves or feet. Here's to a great season! :cheers2:

Welcome, good Sir! Great to see a fellow foot lover on the boards. My son was actually a podiatrist, and that's what got me into feet. Looking forward to discussing the Leaves and all things foot-related with you. Good luck with your training!

I just assume this is Preston's way of telling us he likes feet.

Doesn't feel crazy enough to be Preston. Though the use of alternate account would be spot on.

If I had to guess, I'd say it was that Lapin twit from the Habs board. Something about the use of "Leaves" and his punctuation.