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OT: Politics & News... Have at it.

Seems like PM Harper pulled one out of the PQ game book last night with his reference to "OldStockCanadian"

BrianWilde ‏
I am one of the #OldStockCanadians and I sure am proud to share this wonderful country with new stock Canadians.
Look what popped up in a Toronto subway station. I think this poster would make Trudeau smile.


sponsored by an islamic organization...
Looks like a red tide is hitting the national polls. Liberals leading now in most regions (Ontario, Atlantic provinces, Territories and have picked up major steam in Manitoba and BC).
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Considering they are trending upwards and currently sit at LPC 32.3% NDP 29.6% CPC 29.3% GPC 4.1% BQ 3.8% as an aggregate in all the major polls this can easily be defined as a "tide."

This is the largest lead they've had since 2014 when they completely dominated. The NDP's shift (austerity) to the right is not resonating with voters.
Conservatives are still ahead in seat projections with Liberals and NDP virtually tied although finally the Liberals are ahead of the NDP 110-109 on Threehundredeight.com. That is because NDP wins Quebec and Conservatives the prairies. Will be interesting if the party with the most votes ends up third in seats.

Trudeau will have a tough decision. He has already said he will not support Harper even on throne speech. However, if he subsumes himself into the beard, could be end of Liberal Party. It is so close with under a month to go. So much can happen.

What I can see happening is the NDP vote going to the Liberals and the NDP returning to its normal 3rd party status. I wonder what Ed Broadbent will say then. Last election he said a system finally matures when it is a 2 party system (when NDP is 2nd of course), one right, one left. If they fall to 3rd will we have immatured again?
If Harper has the most seats, I doubt they last to a budget, if they can even get a throne speech out the door.

If one of the other two is ahead, I imagine they're close enough in ideology that they'll sort of work together and keep a minority going for a year or so, before one or the other decides to draw the knife out and try to win an election.
The Liberals went into this election with less than 40 seats. Them coming out of this with 80 or more seats is a massive gain for them. The fact that they can potentially win this is amazing. Trudeau has run a great campaign.
Makes perfect sense that Boehner resigns considering over 60% of GOP voters are dissatisfied with their own political party.

In other news, David Suzuki won't endorse Dustbin Trudeau's environmental policy....called him a "twerp" apparently. Told Junior that it's all political which he (Suzuki) won't abide by. The level headed son of Trudeau then lost it and called Suzuki's work "sanctimonious crap"

atta boy Justin. Like I said....boy. ;)
Well looks like the Liberals have some holes in their economic platform. Honestly, if you are stupid enough to vote for them, you deserve the higher taxes you will pay.

I love their cliched motto, real change. They will need all your change to pay the bills! Hey count, why don't you send the govn't a nice advance on your next year's salary, you seem to love Turdeau.

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Not everyone agrees with you xposbrad
