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OT: American Politics

Trump, complete moron that he is, is only trying to make the point that there are some violent radicals on the liberal side too, which is irrefutable, but also a far less significant issue than, and maddening in light of, these neo nazi scum coming out of their holes. And why is he focusing on this? Because the dickhead ad libbed in his initial statement with that "many sides" comment and of course now has to justify and rationalize it rather than simply acknowledge that he made a mistake to say it that way and he didn't mean it. He can never be wrong. Ever.

But do I believe the dummy supports nazis and KKK? Give me a break. He just didn't want to alienate a part of his voter base by going hard against them and thus sat on the fence initially. Which makes him an utter disgrace.

both sides does not work here

and the guy is obviously racist, so a big eugenics guy, so i do not think it is a stretch at all to think he is pro white supremacy in fact it is probably a bigger stretch at this point to not think that

edit: ppl have been making excuses for him since he decided he was running - if it walks like a duck....
If you are going to quote don't paraphrase.

You refused to admit slavery is slavery, whether based on race, social status or whatever.

You were also clearly wrong when you stated Lincoln started the war to end slavery.

You want the statues down because they were slaveholders, fine but then you cannot justify other slave owners having monuments. You did.

you are wrong on this one

but we know you will not admit it

I don't think Trump even wants a second term. I really don't. He's so far outside his depth it's not even funny. He never expected to win but will now go down in history as the 45th President of the US. That's enough for his ego.

he does

he wants to win

nothing is enough for his ego
I don't think Trump even wants a second term. I really don't. He's so far outside his depth it's not even funny. He never expected to win but will now go down in history as the 45th President of the US. That's enough for his ego.

I think he will die in office.
oh I have his point, I just think it is mental bullshit on his part.

I assure you the essential aspect of racism in american slavery history is not mental bullshit on my part.

It's staggering that you would think it was, tbh. I recommend you think long and hard about what you're trying to say here.
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Matthew Dowd
Not a single member of Trump's Evangelical Council has resigned. We have learned corporate America has a greater moral compass. So so sad.
It seems pretty clear to me that these are government operatives. Duke is clearly tasked with making Trump look bad. How has he survived as a public figure after all these decades of people shitting on him?

I had suspicions about Richard Spencer after the hail trump nonsense last year, and now I'm 100% convinced that he is working for some gov't agency.

The government (choose your agency) always infiltrates radical groups. Al Sharpton is a rat. Gloria Steinem is a rat. They're everywhere and eventually, they are exposed.

You'd have to be an idiot to believe that Richard Spencer and David Duke are legitimate.

corks hasn't been around much, but he is no Nazi sympathizer, to my knowledge. the two of us disagree on most things, but that is one line I do not think he will cross.

Corks has right wing views... I haven't seen him be racist like Johnny has though.
I assure you the essential aspect of racism in american slavery history is not mental bullshit on my part.

It's staggering that you would think it was, tbh. I recommend you think long and hard about what you're trying to say here.
Nice cherry picking.

Your distinction between being a slave owner and one that fights for it is the mental bullshit.
A few things I have to get off my chest after all this.

If you go to a rally, and the person beside you is carrying a nazi flag, and doing nazi salutes, and suddenly 1000s of people are doing this... you either stand with them... or you leave.

If you stand their with them, you condone their actions. You are complicit in their stance. If you march beside the KKK carrying torches down the street, you are one of them. You are signaling to the world that you stand up for their beliefs. You don't get to be one of the "nice people" who is also at the protest cause you care about history. Sorry, but no.

You should revile the Nazis and the KKK more than you do someone taking down a statue.
Matthew Dowd
Not a single member of Trump's Evangelical Council has resigned. We have learned corporate America has a greater moral compass. So so sad.
Corporate America has to worry about PR, and their customers, who cover the entire political spectrum.

American evangelicals leaders, on the other hand...I'm assuming a very comfortable majority of their followers are Trump supporters.

Which, as someone who grew up in an evangelical family, blows my mind. Trump is pretty much the antithesis of what they're supposed to stand for.
When you have people in the streets, carrying swastikas, and saying "blood and soil" and saying "jews will not replace us" and "die jews die'... "die blacks die".... and another group comes up and fights them for saying these things, you know how it works.

Trump said there was "violence on many sides"

No, he should say thank you for punching those *******s in the face... and those *******s shouldn't be on our streets.

When Trump says that these people had a very quiet protest on Friday, he's saying its okay that they were marching in the streets with Swastikas, and torches and making their chants, oh yeah and they had a permit. He's literally saying that marching the streets, carrying nazi flags, and weapons, and intimidating people with your slogans, and telling them that you want them to die is okay. And no its not. We need to stand up to people like that.

Everytime you say both sides are bad, you are just empowering people and saying its okay to carry the swastika around, its okay to chant for the KKK, its okay to do these things, and get into big mobs, and yell and scream racist shit at people... and they can't hit you for it. Or they are the problem too.

And thats what Trump has said.... that both sides are wrong.

And sorry they are not. If some ****ing shit head with a swastika tattoo, gets in one of my friends faces; and starts calling him a ******, our starts saying die you ****ing ****, or what ever racial slur it is and I punch him, am I wrong? Should I take the blame for beating the **** out of that *******? Not a jury in this country would convict me.

No, but that is what trump is saying. He is saying they can scream their bullshit and if we touch them, its the violence of many sides, of many sides that is wrong.

It is not wrong for people to want to punch a racist ******* in the face when he is marching in the streets with his racist buddies and intimidating people and screaming his nazi cheers and threatening people... that anyone think trump is right when he says its both sides at fault, when this rally is promoting white supremacism and people stand up to it.

Cause its not both sides, and can not be both sides. There is right and there is wrong. And we both know which side is wrong.
Corporate America has to worry about PR, and their customers, who cover the entire political spectrum.

American evangelicals leaders, on the other hand...I'm assuming a very comfortable majority of their followers are Trump supporters.

Which, as someone who grew up in an evangelical family, blows my mind. Trump is pretty much the antithesis of what they're supposed to stand for.

i am always baffled by how many christians do not believe in the teachings of jesus (i grew up lutheran)

it is crazy

the teachings i learned and have read in the bible basically say love and help everybody (love thy neighbour, turn the other cheek, etc)
A few things I have to get off my chest after all this.

If you go to a rally, and the person beside you is carrying a nazi flag, and doing nazi salutes, and suddenly 1000s of people are doing this... you either stand with them... or you leave.

If you stand their with them, you condone their actions. You are complicit in their stance. If you march beside the KKK carrying torches down the street, you are one of them. You are signaling to the world that you stand up for their beliefs. You don't get to be one of the "nice people" who is also at the protest cause you care about history. Sorry, but no.

You should revile the Nazis and the KKK more than you do someone taking down a statue.

Yep. It's one thing if there's one nutter in the corner doing it. I mean, I'm sure some of those marches for science back in January had some people with crazy theories or slogans there, so you don't necessarily have to condone the craziest person at the rally. But these rallies were obviously more than just one or two nutbags, so anyone who was there has to accept being part of it.

And you can't dismiss them because there are some non-insane people in the crowd. I mean, even the WW2 Nazis I'm sure had a few people who were opposed to the holocaust. We can't just say, "well, yeah, most of them were bad, but there were a few good people there too" and somehow excuse the actions of the mass.