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OT: American Politics


the facts don’t actually matter: People repeat them so often that you believe them. Welcome to the “illusory truth effect,” a glitch in the human psyche that equates repetition with truth. Marketers and politicians are masters of manipulating this particular cognitive bias—which perhaps you have become more familiar with lately.

“Our brain interprets that fluency as a signal for something being true”—Whether it’s true or not. In other words, rationality can be hard. It takes work. Your busy brain is often more comfortable running on feeling.

Re: OT: Canadian Politics

No one is safe from PM Steal Yo Girl!




This is what Zeke doesn't see. He doing the exact same thing I get admonished for but it's OK because the in thing is to hate everything Trump here.
yep. Here, there and everywhere. He should be hated. He is a buffoon. A dangerous buffoon. He has filled the white house with dangerous and/or stupid people, unqualified for their positions.
He is impossible to view through the same lens as Obama and Clinton. It is impossible. He shouldn't be viewed through the same lens. He shouldn't even be in view.
I'm sorry that so many millions had to endure or survive the horrifying Obama administration. But the reason many viewed it that way is because they are racist. No one can convince me otherwise.
And now the new cabinet is being filled with racists.
He shouldn't be defended. He shouldn't be liked. (i know you don't like him either...) He should have never been elected. The majority of people who voted for him are idiots. Most just plain stupid, others just voting for their party, and the rest misguided. Those who just wanted to burn the house down, congratulations; You got it.
Before you say calling those people dumb, etc, is what got him elected, I get that I was blind to the real possibility of him being elected. It doesn't make those people any less stupid.
This is a disaster and will only get worse.
Idiots rule, and it's not funny, it's not entertaining, it's dangerous. Anyone who says wait and see or let him get used to the job can **** off.
kellyanne says her twitter got hacked and then hacker posted one retweet of and greeting to a white supremacist and then left.
kellyanne says her twitter got hacked and then hacker posted one retweet of and greeting to a white supremacist and then left.

she looks like she never sleeps now. probably looking for a less demanding gig
I feel a bit sorry for Kellyanne, but she took the job for the money and/or fame, now she's gotta live with the consequences.