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OT: American Politics

Looks to me like it's getting cheaper for people born without means to just "live" and a lot more difficult to prosper.
Bizarro World has officially jumped the shark.


There's a quote floating around that I dig: "Q-Anon is pizzagate on bath salts"

These people aren't re entering reality, they're doubling down on pure insanity. These are the people that angry people are referring to when they blame liberals for giving the right wing a reason to vote for Trump, these are the people that the left is supposed to be bridging towards for some ****ing reason.

You can't reason with nutters, you can only hope that you out number them in the voting booths.
To be fair, the trend has been going on for a long time. But Trump's tax cuts made it worse.


this is not a marketing problem for dems - most dems are just as much inn the pockets of big pharma/healthcare as the pubs. they have no interest in destroying that cashcow.


Powerful health-care interests worried that a Democratic “blue wave” could give new energy to single-payer health-care legislation have created a new group to take on the issue.

The formation of the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future is a sign of the health-care industry’s alarm over growing support for a single payer health-care law within the Democratic Party.

Health insurance and drug companies, who are often at odds on policy issues, banded together to form the group, which lobbyists say could run advertisements against single-payer plans and promote studies to undermine the idea.

Industry groups are worried that support for single-payer is quickly becoming the default position among Democrats, and they want to push back and strengthen ties to more centrist members of the party to promote alternatives.

“Their worry is about 2020 and it's becoming the litmus test for Democrats,” said one insurance industry source familiar with the plan to create the new partnership.

When Democrats controlled the White House and Congress at the outset of the Obama presidency, they stopped short of a single-payer system in creating ObamaCare, which the Trump administration and GOP-controlled Congress have worked to dismantle.

But support for a single-payer system has since gained steam, and a wide range of potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have backed Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) “Medicare for all” bill, including Sens. Kamala Harris (Calif.), Cory Booker (N.J.) and Elizabeth Warren (Mass.).......
Jim Sciutto @jimsciutto
Breaking: Trump-appointed federal district judge has upheld Robert Mueller’s appointment and Constitutional authority in the Special Counsel’s case against Russian social media propagandists Concord Management and Consulting.

Several times in the first year of his administration, President Donald Trump wanted to call Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the middle of the afternoon. But there was a problem. Midafternoon in Washington is the middle of the night in Tokyo — when Abe would be fast asleep.

Trump’s aides had to explain the issue, which one diplomatic source said came up on “a constant basis,” but it wasn’t easy.

“He wasn’t great with recognizing that the leader of a country might be 80 or 85 years old and isn’t going to be awake or in the right place at 10:30 or 11 p.m. their time,”.....
Oh look, a lifelong Republican FBI agent who co authored the letter the re open the Hillary investigation 11 days before the election has just been fired despite the FBI's office of professional responsibility suggesting a suspension, because he made a few texts about not liking Dear Leader. I'm sure that has nothing to do with his fist ****ing Trey Gowdy on national television when Trey and the gang were hoping for an easy target and instead got slapped around.

Just put this on the pile of multi million dollar wrongful dismissal suits that Trump's campaign against the intel agencies is starting to collect.