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OT: What Really Matters


Staff member
So last Tuesday night shortly after the Habs win in game 5 while I was basking in the glory my father suffered a massive heart attack. He too is a huge Habs fan and watched the game and was on cloud 9. After he and my step mom watched the game he was so happy. They decided to watch America's Got Talent which was on the PVR. Which may have saved his life. They were discussing the acts as they watched then during the first commercial break his wife noticed that he wasn't fast forwarding through the commercial she looked over and his eyes were closed. She she told him to wake up and he wouldn't open his eyes. So after trying for a few seconds she called 911. They arrived within 6 minutes and were able to get his heart beating again.

After hearing the news we made the 12 hour drive from Meadow Lake SK to Winnipeg Wednesday morning. We were basically told to pray for a miracle and we packed funeral clothes. For the first 3 days after they kept him in a medically induced coma and on life support. His vitals seemed decent but the biggest concern was that he could be brain dead. Then on Friday they removed the cooling blanket and warmed him up. By Friday evening he actually woke up and could answer yes and no questions and even whisper a few words. So that was a huge relief. He weren't sure if there was some brain damage or not but at least we know he's in there to some extent.

Unfortunately late that night he became extremely agitated and was thrashing around and tore out his tubes and IV. They had to sedate him and since then they have tried bringing him out of it he has been very agitated and delirious. So as of right now we are waiting for his heart to get stronger so they able to try again. They did an angiogram and it turns out he'll need a triple bypass when he is awake and strong enough.

Watching game 6 of the Habs/Rangers series on Thursday sure put things into perspective. I'm normally very emotionally involved in the games and a loss like that in an elimination game and would have been really pissed off. In this case I barely cared. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to see them win and keep winning but it just didn't seem to matter.
Wow Ray. My prayers are with you and your Dad. Having lost mine recently really did put things in perspective for me. I hope he pulls through fine and that you have many more years with him.
My thoughts are with you Ray. Like Habsy said, losing your Dad really does put things into perspective. I lost mine over 22 years ago and little things still get put into perspective to this day. That being said, I hope that your Dad pulls through and that you still have a lot of quality years left with him.
Wow scary stuff. My thoughts are with you and your father. Hopefully he'll pull through. Tough times for sure.
All the best HP to you and your family.

It's been 2 years since I lost my mother and it's a gap in your life that never gets filled in again although life goes on.

This is also another hint to me that I have to start exercising and eating better before I push things too far with my body. Keep putting it off.

Btw... wasn't it your mother who went through a tough time health wise a year or so ago?
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Ray.

Hang in there and no matter what they tell you there's always hope that things turn out better than what the Dr's anticipated....it happens everyday that patients beat the odds.

Hoping for all the best.
All the best to your father for a full recovery. I'll pray for your family as you go through this tough time. I hope that forumice can offer a respite from "life" from time to time.
Wish you the best int those difficult time. Cherish your time with him. I lost my Dad when I was only 16. He was 46. Woked up one moring to find him dead in his favorite chair in the living room. Stroke. I apparently was about 45 minutes to late to save him. Reading the first part of your story brought a bunch of flashes from that day to my memory. You have possibly a second change, one I never got. Use it well.
I hope everything works out for him. Health is always #1, over money, and especially the habs. All the members from forumice send you and your family our prayers!
Wow Ray. My prayers are with you and your Dad. Having lost mine recently really did put things in perspective for me. I hope he pulls through fine and that you have many more years with him.

Sorry for your loss Habsy.

I'm fortunate to still have both parents and I'm confident my dad will recover. But yeah stuff like this reminds you how silly it is that we get so worked up about the smallest things.

Thanks for the prayers.
My thoughts are with you Ray. Like Habsy said, losing your Dad really does put things into perspective. I lost mine over 22 years ago and little things still get put into perspective to this day. That being said, I hope that your Dad pulls through and that you still have a lot of quality years left with him.
Wish you the best int those difficult time. Cherish your time with him. I lost my Dad when I was only 16. He was 46. Woked up one moring to find him dead in his favorite chair in the living room. Stroke. I apparently was about 45 minutes to late to save him. Reading the first part of your story brought a bunch of flashes from that day to my memory. You have possibly a second change, one I never got. Use it well.

Oh man that's horrible. I can't imagine losing a parent at such a young age like you did. That really sucks.

Sorry for your losses.
All the best HP to you and your family.

It's been 2 years since I lost my mother and it's a gap in your life that never gets filled in again although life goes on.

This is also another hint to me that I have to start exercising and eating better before I push things too far with my body. Keep putting it off.

Btw... wasn't it your mother who went through a tough time health wise a year or so ago?

I don't recall if you told us about losing your mother. Sorry to hear that.

I hear you on the exercise. My dad carries some extra weight like I do. I've lost 30 lbs since Jan 1st but I need to lose like another 50. I was starting to slack off but this is a serious wake up call. I have to get back on track.

Yes it was my mom who had a lung removed 3 and a half years ago due to lung cancer. I'm very happy to say that she's in great health.
And thank you all for the well wishes. I really appreciate it.... as I posted on the Leaf board. (I post there a lot too)

I definitely did not post this as a woe is me story though I very much appreciate well wishes. I wasn't going to post about this at all then I was doing a fair bit of reading on here for the first time in over a week and on the Habs board I saw a fair bit of anger from after the Habs game and know that's I'd usually have been right in there. I realize that we all know these lessons, and we'll all fall back into getting stressed out about hockey but figured that sometimes we really need to put things into perspective. Hell, maybe someone will have to remind me of this next year when I'm losing my shit in game 37 if the Habs blow a lead in the 3rd.
I did notice some "signs" on the bookface.

Give your mom a hug from all of us a FI!
Deep down we all know that following any team is just a way to forget about life for awhile. I hope all turns out well for him
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So sorry to hear that and my prayers with him . Parents are no replaceable human being in life. Wish him a very fast recovery

Stay strong man ...