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OT: Movies/TV Shows

See all the shiite Seth Rogan got for tweeting that American Sniper reminded him of the Nazi propaganda film they showed in the movie theatre from Inglorious Bastards.

Thinking that way makes you realize, yup, that's what this film is.... a timely piece showing American awesomeness at shooting terrorists?

I know the movie is more, but in it's essence it is a film about Murica, **** yeah
From what I've read, it doesn't seem like they made any serious attempt to portray the main character in a way that was accurate and true to life. They sort of just concocted a cardboard cut-out of the guy, with all the questionable parts of his character and story trimmed away, and that's what they based the movie on.

In that sense, I don't think the comparison between this film and propaganda films of the past is too far off the mark.
Here is who they picked to be Supergirl in DC's latest TV Pilot:



Sadly, Hannibal has been pushed back until the Summer but this still looks like its going to be excellent.
See all the shiite Seth Rogan got for tweeting that American Sniper reminded him of the Nazi propaganda film they showed in the movie theatre from Inglorious Bastards.

Thinking that way makes you realize, yup, that's what this film is.... a timely piece showing American awesomeness at shooting terrorists?

I know the movie is more, but in it's essence it is a film about Murica, **** yeah

Safe to assume the terrorists were brown and Muslim too?

But yeah, I agree. Americans love their guns almost as much as they love telling everyone how much they love their guns.
See all the shiite Seth Rogan got for tweeting that American Sniper reminded him of the Nazi propaganda film they showed in the movie theatre from Inglorious Bastards.

Thinking that way makes you realize, yup, that's what this film is.... a timely piece showing American awesomeness at shooting terrorists?

I know the movie is more, but in it's essence it is a film about Murica, **** yeah

It felt so lazy, I had trouble seeing an agenda in the film. Check out the fake baby scenes. It's crazy how bad that is.
I wasn't crazy about the final act, but Instellar is very good. It's a film I wanted to see again right after to see if I "Got" everything.

"Kill The Messenger" is also solid. Really liked Jeremy Renner's performance. I did not know much about the story of Gary Webb before I saw it.
Just re-watched the movie a couple weekends ago with the gf.......and while it's still good, it doesn't quite hold up as well as I expected.

Looking forward to the series though.....most involved have become even better comedically over the years, so it should be great.
loved the movie, assume i'll love the series.

Montana is right about the cast improvement though, i expect better from Rudd and Banks in particular.
Saw Interstellar last night, and while there were visuals and concepts that were simply brilliant - 90% of the movie felt like a high-concept M.Night Shyamalan movie - right form the cast to the cornfields.

If I hadn't known going in, I never would have guessed that it was a Nolan brother movie.
Just watched a FANTASTIC movie on Netflix that rotten tomatoes had as their top Movies for guys.
Short term 12 is the title and it is on Netflix. It's not a "guy" movie but it is some of the best most realistic dialogue I have seen in a film in a while. I loved that I did not recognize the actors very much, but it is a beautiful movie.
Do yourself a favour and watch it, would love to hear some of your thoughts. Awesome
"The Gambler" with Mark Walberg starts out very good and struggles in the second half. He also plats one of the biggest *******s in recent history. Not an villain role per se, but an incredibly spoiled *******.