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Big Brother 17

From a personality game point I agree, there are few super likeable people. James and Johnnie Mac stick out for me big time.

From a game play point at least a lot of them are playing, and they were playing hard and early. Unlike some years where they sit around and do nothing for weeks on end. From that point, I find this season better than others.

One thing that annoys the hell out of me, is the lack of secrets. Everyone tells everyone everything, and then they get insulted when their character is questions, or when they find out someone is saying something. Or when Say Vanessa puts James on the block twice, and then is all pissed that he would go after her. That babyness is annoying for sure.

Not top season by any stretch, but better than a few others. Two years ago, Amanda, Aaryn, Ginamarie, McCrea et all, made that show unmatchable because they were scum
I would love to see it happen. I really would.

Then Vanessa or Austin on the DE.

They need to split up that trio though, Liz in particular has a safer path than anyone.

Put her on the block vs VAnessa, John, Steve, james, she has 2 free votes.

Vs Austin - free vote from Julia.
Vs Julia - free vote from Austin.

that has to end soon.
I've loved Johnny Mac from the beginning and wasn't a huge fan of James, but honestly, I think I want James to win now.
Yeah, I'm done caring. I wil watch it out, but meh, The only one who really deserves to win it is Vanessa now. Still love Johnnie Mac, but Of the final sex, Vanessa has played the best game by far strategy wise. Even if it is crying and dramatic. Julia and John have not done enough. Steve and Austin only have a bit of a legit resume, and Liz is really the only one who can challenge Vanessa.
so, i have been talking S about vanessa since day 1, but now i think she just has to win. the ausTwins have been given a free pass and no one in that team has any legit claim to gameplay votes. maybe they have played a better social game than we've seen, But I doubt it. I still love Jm and steve but they haven't played well. Vanessa is annoying but... god, i think she might be the best one. sigh......
well, looks like I'll be staying up all night to see who wins the HOH competition. argh!

i thought it would be an easy win for vanessa when I saw that it is an egg game. But it looked like Austin had a big lead. (Fingers crossed for jmac, but it is impossible.)
Is it just me or is Julia hotter than Liz? lol.

Either way, I think I'm ready for this season to be over.
imo, Vanessa will have to win veto in the final four and then win HoH in the final 3. if she doesnt then it seems very hard for her to keep going -- no one is going to want to bring her along.
I just can't see how she doesn't win now... but hopefully she doesn't.

Last night's episode was a headache with her going around trying to get "info" from everyone.
I wonder if Austin's words about Vanessa not being able to win because the members of the jury won't vote for her are true or if he was just being a poor loser?

'Cause I kinda hope they're true, lol.
i cannot stand the thought of vanessa winning. even tho she probably deserves to win in a way... I hope everyone says Eff It and votes for steve/Liz.
Well, BB17 has come to an end and Steve is the champ.

I'm not sure Steve actually deserved to win, but anyone who gets Vanessa out is good in my books.

Vanessa definitely should have won, but I liked the way Jason described her game - saying she was a step below all-timers like Dr. Will, Dan and Derrick.


Nice to see James win the fan's choice, figured it would be either him or Johnny Mac.
Well, BB17 has come to an end and Steve is the champ.

I'm not sure Steve actually deserved to win, but anyone who gets Vanessa out is good in my books.

Vanessa definitely should have won, but I liked the way Jason described her game - saying she was a step below all-timers like Dr. Will, Dan and Derrick.

totally agree. she was def the best player of the season but she just wasn't an all-time great. and she was just too obnoxious. i'm happy she lost.

Steve wasn't great but he was a good character and seemed like a nice kid, so i'm fine with him winning.

Decent season overall -- not one of the best, but still very fun throughout...
Sooo... whatever happened to the BB takeover twist?

Was it only supposed to be the first few weeks or did it die and they just let it go quietly? Or did I just miss it?