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Office Space - The office b*itch thread

yeah to me the far more compelling argument re: pigs is based on how fucking intelligent they are. they're actually quite clean as animals go.

Yeah, I'm trying to circle that square myself (see my recent bit on not eating octopus)....that may be the one piece of moral hypocrisy that I'm willing to accept. Just too delicious, and I plan on moving to Mexico full time within the next 3 years...there's a near zero chance that I would be willing to cut al pastor out of my diet if I live down there short of a cardiologists warning.
gotta try it to trash it
I tried it at least once accidentally. I was at a networking event maybe 5 years ago where they had a bunch of different food in those big trays/warmers (I can't think of what they're called - the ones you see in a buffet line). There were these sliders in one of them, but their coloring was off, a little pinkish. No markers in front of those warmers, so I asked a server to confirm that it was either a hamburger or turkey burger, and he said turkey burger. So I had one. It tasted pretty crappy, but free food at a networking event, so what do you expect. Only later did I overhear someone ask another server what it was, and it was some multi-meatball slider with pork as the main attraction. I was like fuck, no wonder I can't get the damn taste out of my mouth after like ten glasses of water. I'm sure I've had it other times where it was some smaller part of a dish, mixed in or something, or maybe not since I don't eat things where I'm not aware of the key ingredients.
yeah I agree that LOF is a bad jew for not liking bacon. or cheeseburgers.
I'm not against cheeseburgers, but I haven't had one because I'm very iffy about cheese on red meat. I don't really have objection to it if someone likes it though. Here and there at In n Out, a bit of cheese will find its way on the edge of my burger because it was probably being cooked beside a cheeseburger, and it is a little salty and tasty. But overall, I like my food looking clean, not sloppy, and cheeseburgers are a very sloppy food.
No. I'm saying that any argument about pigs being filthy, when viewed in the modern context, needs to also be applied to chickens. If you're buying factory farmed chicken, they live in pretty filthy conditions, regularly cannibalize each other when not separated and on the lowest end of the quality scale, basically live in their own shit until they're processed. Where do you think Harvey's sources their chucken from?
Pigs are by nature filthy. Chickens are abused, poor little guys.
Yeah, I'm trying to circle that square myself (see my recent bit on not eating octopus)....that may be the one piece of moral hypocrisy that I'm willing to accept. Just too delicious, and I plan on moving to Mexico full time within the next 3 years...there's a near zero chance that I would be willing to cut al pastor out of my diet if I live down there short of a cardiologists warning.
yeah I'm with you. I won't eat octopus, but I've spent some quality time with them underwater.

re pork... bacon is too fucking delicious, I agree. that's about all the pork I currently consume.
I tried it at least once accidentally. I was at a networking event maybe 5 years ago where they had a bunch of different food in those big trays/warmers (I can't think of what they're called - the ones you see in a buffet line). There were these sliders in one of them, but their coloring was off, a little pinkish. No markers in front of those warmers, so I asked a server to confirm that it was either a hamburger or turkey burger, and he said turkey burger. So I had one. It tasted pretty crappy, but free food at a networking event, so what do you expect. Only later did I overhear someone ask another server what it was, and it was some multi-meatball slider with pork as the main attraction. I was like fuck, no wonder I can't get the damn taste out of my mouth after like ten glasses of water. I'm sure I've had it other times where it was some smaller part of a dish, mixed in or something, or maybe not since I don't eat things where I'm not aware of the key ingredients.
I mean random ground pork from a random caterer is prolly often shite.

Have you tried bacon though? That's the moneymaker.
Are you criticizing chickens on that basis, while defending pork? Pigs not only live in each others' shit, they eat it too.
which pigs do you know that do this?

pigs are hygienic!

Pigs are naturally quite hygienic. They designate specific sites for their waste, keeping their eating and sleeping areas clean and tidy. The reason they get so muddy? Wallowing in mud baths keeps them cool—and helps prevent sunburn.
The Joy of Pigs

Do you sweat like a pig? Chances are you don’t, especially if you can wring out your shirt at the end of a hot day. Contrary to popular belief, pigs are unable to sweat; instead, they wallow in mud to cool down. Their mucky appearance gives pigs an undeserved reputation for slovenliness. In fact, pigs are some of the cleanest animals around, refusing to excrete anywhere near their living or eating areas when given a choice.
I like this no octopus vibe on FI

I thought I was the only one.
when I was in Honduras, spent about 30 mins on a night dive just watching a Caribbean octopus. decided after that I would no longer eat them. such fucking amazing, clever, intelligent, and beautiful creatures.
I like this no octopus vibe on FI

I thought I was the only one.

Octopus love ftw

I'm not against cheeseburgers, but I haven't had one because I'm very iffy about cheese on red meat. I don't really have objection to it if someone likes it though. Here and there at In n Out, a bit of cheese will find its way on the edge of my burger because it was probably being cooked beside a cheeseburger, and it is a little salty and tasty. But overall, I like my food looking clean, not sloppy, and cheeseburgers are a very sloppy food.
so, and I'm just trying to understand the LOF food rules here, if I have it right, you don't keep fully kosher (i.e. willingness to mix milk and meat), but you fully avoid pigs?

other than the debunked hygiene reasons, is there a rationale for the anti-pig stance?

do you eat shellfish?