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OT: Movies/TV Shows


New HBO True crime series......episode 2 just dropped last night, and thus far it's been pretty damn good.

Definitely recommend it to any fans of "Serial" out there.
Caught last night's SNL thing. Eddie Murphy is such a piece of shit. For a guy who seems so perturbed by the fact that the only thing people remember him for is what he did 30-35 years ago he sure is unwilling to try and give us something newer to remember him by.

After that introduction from Rock, a standing ovation from the crowd and being feted all night (and really, all week if you count articles on the 40th anniversary) for 'saving' the show in the early 80s, the best he could do was read one cue card?

He had an opportunity to do something special - but instead gave noting.

What a jackass. He deserves exactly what he has gotten.
Yeah, that was pretty pathetic from Murphy. He did nothing.

Bill Murray was great. And Norm Mcdonald is the funniest person on the planet.

Chevy Chase looks horribly ill.
Just finished re-watching The Wire from start to finish. Two things really: 1. It really does piss on all other TV from a great height. 2. Chris Partlow really grows on you the second time of watching.

I've gone through that series start to finish about 3 or 4 times now, and it absolutely gets better with every single viewing......
I saw Birdman. What a piece of shit. I had a feeling I wasn't going to love it, but that was just crap.

I don't know what all the fuss is about.
I wouldn't go as far as to call it a piece of crap but I think Birdman has been overrated. Great acting... but I didn't love it. The jazz track playing through the entire movie is obnoxious and pretentious.
Saul is just so talented. Similar personality to me, but much better at it. Great show. Almost like having BB back. Zeke, try BB again, its awesome.

BTW, Anyone here like Vikings, its awesome imo.
Yeah Vikings is entertaining. It's like House of Cards but for Vikings. Plots are eerily similar, including the timings of ascension.
Love Vikings, nice to know it's a Canadian production.
I'm assuming they keep following the legends, so unless they GoT it you know what's coming, but they do it so well.